You've dedicated so much time and effort overcoming challenges with your products and building a brand people genuinely want to support. Just like the care you've poured into your products, your store deserves that same love and attention to detail.

Let's chat about how we can take your sales to the next level. It starts with a good old-fashioned sit-down to analyze your user experience. Are your customers finding what they need easily? Do the product pages have the necessary information? What questions commonly get asked? How about your add to cart flow. Is it smooth and straightforward? Are the discounts you're offering really making a difference? Are you capturing enough value from your customers with upsells?

How about your email marketing? Are your messages hitting home with your audience? Are you educating them and reminding them why they purchased your product in the first place?

By examining the answers to these questions and many others, we can pinpoint exactly where to make improvements and test changes to increase your conversion rate, average order values, and repeat purchase rate.

How I can help...

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Why me?

Hi, I am Josiah. I help limited-sku ecommerce businesses in the hunting industry drive more sales by optimizing their store UX and marketing.

I bring almost a decade of experience and analysis of dozens of stores to strategize improvements to your user experience and email marketing to increase conversion rate and average order value.

By combining that experience with my love for hunting, I provide a unique perspective on your store and the challenges you face.

I work with you to identify the best way to implement features and marketing based on your unique brand and products.

More About Me